Come follow me…
And at once they left their nets and followed Him. Mt 4:19 – 20
The Vocations Office of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne exists for two reasons: 1) to help parishes support those who are discerning a vocation to Holy Orders or religious life and 2) to help those wondering whether they have a vocation to diocesan priesthood.
You will find much information on this website to help you understand what a vocation is and how we can help. Generally speaking, your first port of call regarding vocations will be your parish priest. But everyone should feel very free to contact us to discuss one’s own vocation.
Please know that many people in our diocese and around the world are praying for vocations and praying for you as you discern. We are here for you.
Fr Dishan Candappa
Vocations Director
At some point in our lives, we may wonder — am I where I am supposed to be?
Are my plans or hopes for the future the right ones, the ones that will help me find true happiness? We all have a calling — something specific that God calls us to. In the Church we commonly refer to this as our ‘vocation’. Each of us are invited by God to live a particular vocation or state of life. By living out our baptismal call to follow and imitate Jesus, we are able to discover what this specific call is.